Friday, June 18, 2010

Discpline.. How smooth would it make your life ?!

Neatness, Discipline, Organization.. How do all these things help us reach our dreams ?? How do they make us further closer to achieve our goals and targets in life to make us better human beings than what we are. And, leaving how it happens apart, how to make ourselves get used to this kind of thing ?? Uff.. It's so tough trying to make yourself disciplined once you've got used to this lazy-born, swirling in the bed 24*7 kind of personality through all these years. True, our work or education makes us disciplined up to some level. But, are we truly disciplined within ourselves?

How to make us near-perfect human beings who are capable and strong enough to face any troubles in the smoothest way and overcome them ? You might even ask what has 'Discipline' got to do with overcoming troubles ?

Every person on earth has their own life story. Starting from the day we were born 'til who we are now... Therefore, the amount of discipline and organization you have in your life might be somewhat proportional to the amount of disciplinary background that you've been exposed to.
But, it really is not a matter of 'how you've been'. Rather it's always a matter of 'how you'd be' and 'how you are' .. Are you a disciplined person?? How could you assure to the world that you are well disciplined and organized in your day to day work. One way to prove is if you could have a second look at your bedroom or handbag and find that everything is perfectly kept and neatly organized so that you are able to pick up whatever you need right away, then you are disciplined in the basics of life. And, always do remember this. If a person cannot be disciplined in the basics of life, that person can never be disciplined in the high lines when time comes. So be prepared. If your life is otherwise. Start it today. Right here, right now. Nothing is ever too late to begin.

Being well-organized in life helps you outsmart the troubles and woes that enter your life, every time. Because, when you 'are' disciplined, you 'think' disciplined. It's always an easier task for you to come up with solutions to face every problem. Remember, a messy background creates a messy mind-set too. A neat one , otherwise! On the other hand, when things are clattered even we ourselves begin to forget where some important things are kept. Same would be with a clattered mind with disorganized thoughts and actions.

And, all the bad discipline would in the end only squelch you from reaching your goals and victories. So, if you are a 'dreamer' keep reminding yourself, the more disciplined you are the easier it is to reach your goal. The bad the later.. if worst..may be almost never.Because, life's just too short to wait until everything's perfect. Which kind of a life do you think you want ?

So, if your dreams are to touch the sky, make sure you get on the smoothest rainbow! Be disciplined!

- Ramazah R

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